
Welcoming New Graduate Student: Shahab Vafa

Welcome to Mohammad Shahab Vafadaran, who has joined my research group as of August 2023 as a Graduate Research Assistant. He will be primarily working on the multilevel, multidisciplinary design optimization of floating offshore wind turbine and wind farm systems.

Hierarchical Control Co-Design for the Development of Floating Vertical-Axis Wind Turbines

The objective of this project is the development of a hierarchical control co-design (H-CCD)formulation, specifically applied to the floating vertical-axis wind turbine (FloatVAWT) systemdesign as a strategy to enable achievement of aggressive LCOE targets. Vertical-axis windturbines (VAWTs) have significant potential in achieving low-cost floating offshore wind turbine(FOWT) systems based on their inherent characteristics favorable to the marine environmentbecause they have lower vertical centers of gravity and aerodynamic pressure, demandingsmaller and less expensive floating platforms. Related Publications and Presentations

Experimental Modeling of Hydrokinetic Turbine Systems

Experimental analysis on the hydrokinetic turbine systems provide data for identifying and validating model parameters for the horizontal axis hydrokinetic turbines in the context of design optimization. It is crucial to optimize the HAHkT scale, external and internal geometry, rotor and blade design, and control scheme simultaneously to achieve cost-efficient energy conversion. However, high-fidelity simulation models, such as three-dimensional computational fluid dynamics (CFD), are costly, making the reduced-order model (ROM) approach more practical in the optimization loop. In this study, …

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Yong Hoon Lee delivered an Invited Lecture on the System-level Integrated and Multidisciplinary Design at the Texas A&M University

Lecture Information Presented by: Yong Hoon Lee Title: System-Level Integrated and Multidisciplinary Design on Floating Offshore Wind Turbine and Engineered Materials Applications Venue: Engineering Technology & Industrial Distribution Seminar Series at the Texas A&M University Links: [BIBTEX] Abstract Engineering design often involves various decision-making activities spanning interdisciplinary domains. Understanding interactions between disciplinary areas opens opportunities for unprecedented design innovations. Integrated design is a holistic approach that aims to solve design problems with many complications, e.g., hierarchical system structure, conflicting design decisions, …

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A collaborative paper on the open-loop optimal control co-design using linear parameter-varying model is presented at the 47th Design Automation Conference

Publication Information Presented by: Athul K. Sundarrajan Authors: Athul K. Sundarrajan, Yong Hoon Lee, James T. Allison, and Daniel R. Herber Title: Open-loop control co-design of floating offshore wind turbines using linear parameter-varying models Conference: 47th Design Automation Conference (DAC) in 2021 ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (IDETC/CIE) DOI: 10.1115/DETC2021-67573 Links: [BIBTEX] Abstract This paper discusses a framework to design elements of the plant and control systems for floating offshore wind turbines …

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