I currently have a GA opening. Please see the Open Positions page for detail.

Open Positions


Graduate Research Assistant (GRA) opportunities
* one opening
* open until filled
* starting Fall 2024 or Spring 2025
Undergraduate Research Experience (URE) opportunities
* open indefinitely
* starting on or after Summer 2023


I am an Assistant Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Memphis. I am looking for multiple Graduate Research Assistants (GRAs). My research focus is split into three categories:

  1. Modeling of complex physical systems (physical science aspects, focused on systems and fluids),
  2. Theoretical multidisciplinary design optimization (MDO) and modeling for design (MfD) studies (mathematical optimization aspects), and
  3. MDO application to the floating offshore wind turbine (FOWT), ocean energy systems, aerospace systems, and electric vehicle battery management systems (application aspects).

However, each of these three categories is not an individual project. A student who works on a particular funded project may explore at least one or more categories of my research focus depending on the project’s technical needs.

[NEW] Graduate Assistant (GA) Opportunity: to begin in Fall 2024 (or Spring 2025)

Lee Research Group at the University of Memphis (housed in the Department of Mechanical Engineering) is looking for one highly motivated Ph.D. student with research interests among the following areas:

  1. Multidisciplinary design optimization (MDO)
  2. Ocean renewable energy systems, including wave energy converters, floating offshore wind turbines, among others.
  3. Marine engineering, Aquaculture systems, Floating platforms, Mooring systems.
  4. Fluid-structure interaction, Multi-body dynamics, Hydrodynamics
  5. Techno-economic analysis, life cycle assessment, systems engineering


  1. B.S. and M.S. degrees in Mechanical Engineering, Systems Engineering, Ocean Engineering, or related areas.
  2. GRE score is required, unless you possess very competitive profile. GRE waiver is unlikely to be given. The exception will be highly limited to very competitive profile only.
  3. Strong analytical skills and research skills.
  4. Ability to perform computer programming, data analysis, and interpret results.
  5. Strong scientific communication skills (written and verbal languages).

Candidates will not be considered if:

  1. they look for a Master’s degree. I do not have a M.S. student position available at this moment.
  2. they do not have a Master’s degree by the starting date. I will not consider a direct Ph.D. student.

The University of Memphis

The University of Memphis is a doctoral-granting metropolitan research university located in Memphis, TN. For over 100 years, the UofM has been a catalyst for progress in Memphis, Tennessee, and the surrounding Mid-South region. The university is committed to excellence in education and research, engaged scholarship, and preparing a diverse student population for successful careers.

Graduate Research Assistant (GRA) opportunities

I am looking for multiple Ph.D. students with research interests in:

  1. Multidisciplinary design optimization (MDO) methodologies and Modeling for Design (MfD) studies in theoretical and computational aspects, and/or
  2. Floating offshore wind turbine system development using the MDO methodologies, aerodynamics, hydrodynamics, and control co-design (CCD).

The position will be available from Fall 2023 and open until filled. Students planning to apply for the Fall 2023 and Spring 2024 semester are welcome to contact me.

Direct Ph.D. without master’s degree may be available for those with strong research experience during their undergraduate, internship, or work. At this moment, I do not seek any master’s student.

Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) opportunities

I am looking for multiple undergraduate researchers who want to explore various topics, including multidisciplinary design optimization, floating offshore wind turbines, engineering design optimization, or control co-design. The position will be available at any time. Please email me at yhlee@memphis.edu with the subject line: “REU at UofM – Your First and Last Name.” Please include a brief explanation of your research interest, knowledge, and most recent CV in your email.