Yong Hoon Lee

Austin Griffin presented “Experimental identification of reduced order model parameters for hydrokinetic energy system design” at the ASME IMECE 2023

Austin Griffin presented “Experimental identification of reduced order model parameters for hydrokinetic energy system design” (Technical Presentation) at the ASME IMECE 2023. [BibTeX] Abstract This study presents the ongoing development of experimental validation and identification of the reduced order model (ROM) parameters for the horizontal axis hydrokinetic turbine (HAHkT) in the context of design optimization. It is crucial to optimize the HAHkT scale, external and internal geometry, rotor and blade design, and control scheme simultaneously to achieve cost-efficient energy conversion. …

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Chandler Cain presented “Hydro-structural design exploration of floating platform for offshore energy systems” at the ASME IMECE 2023

Chandler Cain presented “Hydro-structural design exploration of floating platform for offshore energy systems” at the ASME IMECE 2023. [BibTeX] [PDF] [DOI] Full Paper To Appear at the ASME Digital Collections Abstract This paper presents a comprehensive study on the hydro-structural design exploration of floating platforms for offshore energy systems. The study aims to develop a novel design method that optimizes the structure of the platform for stable dynamic responses to ocean waves, ensuring that the motion of the platform remains …

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Advancing Wind Farm Controls through Atmospheric Insights

We are initiating a study on advancing wind farm controls through atmospheric insights. The study will reveal how we use limited atmospheric measurement data in optimally control wind farms in collective ways. The hierarchical multidisciplinary design optimization with varied fidelity level will be used to train, estimate, and operate the target wind farms. Participating Students

Design Coupling Tool Development for Wind Energy with Integrated Servo-Control (WEIS) Framework

Design coupling tool enables a reduction in the number of design variables, while preserving sufficient design accuracy, resulting in a reduction in total design optimization cost. This project aims to develop design coupling analysis methodologies leveraging various modeling and analysis technologies, such as machine learning, surrogate modeling, and design process framework theories. The demonstration problem will be implemented in the Wind Energy with Integrated Servo-control (WEIS) toolset, based on the OpenMDAO-WEIS framework, and will identify groups of design variables that …

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Prof. Yong Hoon Lee presented Multi-Body Modeling for Conceptual Design of Co-Located Ocean Renewable Energy and Aquaculture Systems at the ASME 2023 IDETC-CIE Conference

Publication Information Abstract This study presents a multi-body dynamic modeling approach for exploring and optimizing the novel co-location design of ocean-based renewable energy systems and aquaculture fishery systems. As both systems expand offshore to meet global energy and food demands, competition for limited oceanic space has become a growing concern. The co-location of these two distinctive systems offers a solution to this challenge by combining them in overlapping geographical locations while addressing their respective objectives and constraints. The study introduces …

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Welcoming New Graduate Student: Shahab Vafa

Welcome to Mohammad Shahab Vafadaran, who has joined my research group as of August 2023 as a Graduate Research Assistant. He will be primarily working on the multilevel, multidisciplinary design optimization of floating offshore wind turbine and wind farm systems.